Healing a Natural Way

Some Short Stories

      I worked as a nurse in conventional medicine for many years but decided to leave that career. After some time, I began working in the office of a physician who practised both natural and conventional medicine. I would like to share some of the stories of those who were helped by natural means. All names have been changed to protect privacy.
Type 2 Diabetes–
     Susan was in her mid-forties. Her health was fragile. She had almost died from an infection that had driven her diabetes out of control. She had gone into a diabetic coma from which the doctors were not sure she would recover. For eight days she hovered between life and death. By God’s mercy and much prayer, she did finally get better and was able to return to relatively normal life. I met her after this serious illness.


Her prescription? Remove added sugars and fats from her diet and follow a daily exercise program. She could eat the fats and sugars as they occurred naturally in whole foods such as fruit or avocado, but not processed or prepared food where sugar or fat was added. The results were astounding. She was able to get off of her 64 units of insulin a day under the doctor’s supervision and her blood sugars stayed within normal range.


Dan was a young father in his early 30’s. He had leukemia and had come to the Lifestyle Center after getting no help in conventional medicine. He was dangerously ill. His hemoglobin was very low and he was extremely weak. We feared he might die soon.

His recovery plan? A total lifestyle change that included eating light meals of 80% raw foods along with carrot juice and green drinks, made from wheat and barley grass with spirulina. He used herb teas and and received hydrotherapy treatments while he was at the Lifestyle Center. By God’s grace, he made an amazing turn-around.


Marjorie was a previous acquaintance, a slender, nice-looking woman in her mid-fifties. She walked very slowly with a cane and an unsteady gate. Her husband had to help her with everything. She had been diagnosed with lupus a few years prior to this. Now, her condition had escalated quickly to a critical one. As she stood there, she suddenly swayed and nearly fell over. I caught her and helped her sit down. She knew she could not go on much longer.

Her treatment plan? The first 10 days were spent fasting with cleansing herbs and only certain raw juices. Then she started using mostly raw foods which she continued for quite some time. Regular exercise also played an important role. To the amazement of all who knew her, she quickly improved from only being able to walk a few yards to walking a few miles a day. This change came with only three weeks of treatment. That was 4 years ago and she is still doing well.

Serious infection–

I tried to hide my shock when I saw Ellen’s wound. She had had a kidney transplant and her surgical incision had become infected and had opened up. Julie, her daughter, had been a previous acquaintance and was now pleading for whatever might help heal this ugly, gaping wound. It traversed the entire abdomen and went to the depth of the kidney area. Ellen’s surgeon had told Julie to pour Clorox in the wound to disinfect it. She could not fathom doing something like that to her mother and asked us for advice.

What worked to promote healing? A poultice of charcoal, ground flax, and comfrey wrapped in gauze and placed in the wound, changed twice each day. Sterile normal saline was used to wash out the wound each time the poultice was changed. When I saw Ellen again in a few weeks, the wound was clean and nicely closed.

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