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AA—Acts of the Apostles, The

AH—Adventist Home, The

1BC—Ellen G. White Comments in SDA Bible Commentary, The, vol. 1 (2BC, etc., for vols. 2-7)

CD—Counsels on Diet and Foods

CG—Child Guidance

CH—Counsels on Health

Chs—Christian Service

CM—Colporteur Ministry

COL—Christ’s Object Lessons

CS—Counsels on Stewardship

CSW—Counsels on Sabbath School Work

CT—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students

CW—Counsels to Writers and Editors

DA—Desire of Ages, The


EGW Diary—Ellen G. White diary entry


EW—Early Writings

FE—Fundamentals of Christian Education

GC—Great Controversy, The

GCB—General Conference Bulletin

GCDB—General Conference Daily Bulletin

GH—Gospel Herald, The

GW—Gospel Workers

HM—Home Missionary, The

HP—In Heavenly Places

Letter—Ellen G. White Letter

LS—Life Sketches


MB—Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing

MH—Ministry of Healing, The

ML—My Life Today

MM—Medical Ministry

1MR—Manuscript Releases, vol. 1 (2MR, etc., for vols. 2-19)

MS—Ellen G. White Manuscript

MYP—Messages to Young People

OHC—Our High Calling

PK—Prophets and Kings

PP—Patriarchs and Prophets

RH—Review and Herald

1SAT—Sermons and Talks, vol. 1 (2SAT for vol. 2)

SC—Steps to Christ

SD—Sons and Daughters of God

1SG—Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1 (2SG, etc., for vols. 2-4)

4aSG—Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4A (4bSG for vol. 4B)

SL—Sanctified Life, The

1SM—Selected Messages, book 1 (2SM, etc., for books 2, 3)

1SP—Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1 (2SP etc., for vols. 2-4)

SpT-A—Special Testimonies, Series A

SpT-B—Special Testimonies, Series B

SpTEd—Special Testimonies on Education

SR—Story of Redemption, The

ST—Signs of the Times, The

SW—Southern Work, The (book)

SW (with date) –Southern Watchman, The (periodical)

1T—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1 (2T, etc., for vols. 2-9)

TDG—This Day With God


TM—Testimonies to Minsters and Gospel Workers

TMK—That I May Know Him

TSB—Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce

UL—Upward Look, The

YI—Youth’s Instructor, The

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